Trial shows methane reduction in herds using health system
Early detection of health problems in dairy cows could could lead up to a 15% reduction in the amount of methane emissions they produce, according to...
Early detection of health problems in dairy cows could could lead up to a 15% reduction in the amount of methane emissions they produce, according to...
In 2022, the agritech company headquartered in Austria, again recorded great success with its proven cow health system. With unique technological adva...
Minimising transport duration and thoroughly cleaning vehicles, equipment and spaces where animals are loaded and unloaded are some of the measures co...
An unprecedented number of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus detections were reported in wild and domestic birds from June to September i...
Around 5,300 detections of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus were reported in poultry, captive and wild birds in 36 EU/EEA countries and...
A change in body temperature is the first sign of the most common diseases in dairy cows and is therefore essential for reliable early detection. With...
Recently, the increase of outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) have been reported across Europe. Policy officer in the area of Animal...
Yesterday, The Schippers Group and Healthy Livestock hosted an online conference about antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The conference featured leading...
EFSA has begun work on a new assessment looking at the risk of antimicrobial resistant bacteria spreading during animal transport.
After postponing the event Victam Asia twice, now with the current vaccination programs all over the world, we are positive that Victam's world leadin...
EFSA's latest advice on African swine fever looks at the risk of the virus being introduced to non-affected regions of the EU via pathways such as fee...
Adverse weather conditions are increasing the levels of multiple mycotoxin contamination in poultry feed raw materials. Combinations of various mycoto...
A cow's liver is a highly active organ. Although it makes up only 1%-2% of total body mass in lactating cows, it uses 25% of the cow's total energy ex...
How frequently fumonisins and other mycotoxins contaminate feed materials?
To prevent mortality, dysbiosis and wet litter from an early stage, birds need the right balance of intestinal microbiota bacteria. This start at the...
EU countries are being urged to step up surveillance and biosecurity measures to guard against possible new outbreaks of avian influenza this year.
EFSA has begun a major campaign to raise awareness and help halt the spread of African swine fever in south-east Europe.
Four livestock themed webinars bringing together 550 attendees from over 40 countries across the pig, poultry, dairy and aquaculture segments. Special...
Disinfectant MS KiemKill from MS Schippers has proven efficacy against African Swine Fever, a highly contagious viral disease currently spreading all...
VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia 2020 will open the doors of BITEC on March 24 – 26, 2020 in Bangkok, Thailand, with around 400 exhibitors...
Kérődzők, lovak és húsevők növekvő jelentőségű vector-borne vérélősködőinek epidemiológiáját vizsgálták Észak-Vietnámban.
A múlt hónapban gördült le az utolsó salzburgi Mozartgolyó a futószalagról a Grödig külvárosában található üzemben.
Reneszánszát éli a céklafogyasztás hazánkban, az elmúlt években újra divatos lett itthon a zöldség.
Már teljesen biztos, hogy nemzeti rekorddal büszkélkedhet a Bakony-Vad Vadásztársaság.
Több ezren álltak sorba a sydneyi Királyi Botanikus Kert jegypénztárainál helyi idő szerint csütörtök délután.