EFSA: Better housing needed for dairy cows, ducks, geese, and quail to improve welfare
Dairy cows, ducks, geese and quail need more space and improved housing according to animal welfare recommendations published today in two new scienti...
Dairy cows, ducks, geese and quail need more space and improved housing according to animal welfare recommendations published today in two new scienti...
Early detection of health problems in dairy cows could could lead up to a 15% reduction in the amount of methane emissions they produce, according to...
Antimicrobial resistance – the ability of microorganisms to resist antimicrobial treatments, especially antibiotics – has a direct impact on human and...
Veal calves should be housed in small groups during their first weeks of life and the use of individual pens should be avoided to improve their welfar...
Good housing conditions for farm animals have become a broad social concern. To ensure that animal welfare is also implemented in practice, WEDA Damma...
The new award scheme at EuroTier “DLG Agrifuture Concepts” recognizes pioneering achievements and future visions that have not yet reached market matu...
Three innovations have been distinguished with the "Animal Welfare Award", an additional recognition of the EuroTier innovation award for products tha...
An independent expert jury appointed by the DLG (German Agricultural Society) using stringent criteria has selected the winners of the Innovation Awar...
Providing more space, lowering maximum temperatures, and keeping journey times to a minimum are all needed to improve the welfare of farmed animals du...
At EuroTier, 15-18 November 2022 in Hanover, Germany - DLG Spotlight: "Feed for Future" in Hall 21
EFSA has reassessed the feed additive ethoxyquin and could not conclude on its safety for certain groups of animals, consumers and the environment.
Residues of veterinary medicines and other substances found in animals and animal-derived food continue to fall in the European Union, the latest data...
EFSA has launched an open consultation on the draft guidance methodology it will use for a series of scientific opinions on the welfare of farmed anim...
After 18 months of fact-finding, MEPs call on EU countries to respect animal welfare during transport and to transition to transporting meat and not l...
Yesterday, The Schippers Group and Healthy Livestock hosted an online conference about antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The conference featured leading...
After postponing the event Victam Asia twice, now with the current vaccination programs all over the world, we are positive that Victam's world leadin...
The Alltech ONE Ideas Conference (ONE) will launch virtually on May 25–27, 2021, and will feature tracks that will uncover the challenges and opportun...
Digital technical program with interactive video sessions - from 9th to 12th February – information and registration at www.eurotier.com
Organizational information for visitors - dates and opening times – Tips on how to visit the digital trade fair platform
A legfrissebb előrejelzések szerint 2025-ben is óriási az igény a támogatásokra a magyar élelmiszeriparban.
A La Niña-nak köszönhetően jóval hidegebb tavaszra van kilátás idén, mint amire a szakemberek számítottak.
A hét elején még borult, párás, ködös idő várható, majd feltámad a szél, és melegedés kezdődik.
Több száz millió dolláros támogatást a nagy gyógyszergyártó a madárinfluenza elleni vakcina kifejlesztésére.
A legpesszimistább forgatókönyvek szerint a magyar méhészek kétharmada végleg felhagyhat a tevékenységével.