2024. szeptember 21. szombat Máté, Mirella

Ingeniously simple: Beacons for a better manure management

Agro Napló
Beacons are paradoxical: They are small, simple and affordable and at the same time really great. The inconspicuous transmitters are based on simple Bluetooth technology and, if intelligently used, open up completely new ways of data collection. Fliegl's new tank counter includes a beacon which can count and save – counting manure tankers has never been so simple, accurate, wireless and maintenance-free.

It is the simplicity which makes beacon solutions so convincing: The heart of the Fliegl tank counter is a beacon which is mounted at the pivot point of the float in the manure tanker. When the tank is filled, the beacon registers the filling at an upper measuring point. When the tank is emptied, the beacon registers the emptying at a lower measuring point. One filling plus one emptying results in one counted tank. A simple matter. The board of the beacon is sealed, i.e. it is manure-proof and particularly robust. An intelligent energy saving mode increases the battery life of the beacon to four to twenty years – in practice, this basically means maintenance-free operation.

Fliegl has developed a whole generation of innovative beacons and uses its COUNTER Beacon for the tank counter: it has a tilt and acceleration sensor and a memory function: Thus, COUNTER does not only count the fillings of the tank but continuously records the filling levels and counts operating hours – a combination which not only provides a more comprehensive data package but also increased security against manipulation. Operating hours can be documented without gaps and tamper-proof - ideal for contractors, machinery rings, machinery groups and distributors of manure tankers who bill per load.

If tanks are counted, the Fliegl tank counter can easily be read out later, even after a longer time interval. This allows correlations to be identified without having to permanently connect the beacon to an external reader and to read it out (via Smartphone App).

If, however, the Fliegl tank counter is continually coupled with the Fliegl tank counter Smartphone App, the data package can be extended - by the factor GPS. This means the App then recognizes when the manure tanker is taken to the field and in which time periods it is emptied - lanes and loads are clearly recorded.

The Fliegl tank counter App is completed by a Cloud connection to the Fliegl Partner Cloud myjohndeere.com. On the platform, all data can be viewed and managed easily and quickly. In the Cloud, the data is securely stored and is available at any time, independent of the terminal device.

The complete package Fliegl tank counter with Beacon, App and Cloud access is the modern solution for tank counting. It delivers the data which are really needed and brings them digitally and wirelessly to where they can be managed most practically. The Fliegl tank counter makes an important part of manure management easy, comfortable and safe.

At the same time, the beacon-based system is not limited to the use in manure technology; the application possibilities are much more extensive: If, for example, the Fliegl COUNTER Beacon is connected to the axle beam of a push-off trailer, it registers the deflecting and rebounding during loading and unloading of the trailer. Thus, with the COUNTER Beacon you can not only count tankers but also loads - the technology is universal.

Címlapkép: Getty Images
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