Mycofix 5.E – az egyetlen hivatalosan is bizonyított védelem a mikotoxinok ellen (x)
A BIOMIN a mikotoxinok elleni küzdelemben világszinten úttörőnek számít, mivel egyedülálló módon, hatékonyan tudja kezelni mind a köthető (aflatoxin,...
A BIOMIN a mikotoxinok elleni küzdelemben világszinten úttörőnek számít, mivel egyedülálló módon, hatékonyan tudja kezelni mind a köthető (aflatoxin,...
Supporting the right balanced intestinal microbiota in modern poultry flocks starts at the hatchery with the application of effective poultry probioti...
High-quality corn silage is a nutritious and cost-effective feed ingredient.
Antibiotics are irreplaceable substance to treat diseases in humans and animals. Their activity needs to be protected also in the future, as resistanc...
A well-managed silage is a nutritious, palatable and cost-effective feed ingredient for cattle operations. Today, silage makes up 50-60% most dairy co...
This year's global BIOMIN Mycotoxin Survey report, including key statistics from the largest proprietary database of mycotoxin occurrence in feed crop...
Clinical problems are readily recognized in production animals. However, the constant stress challenges encountered daily that are not easily recogniz...
In pig production the weaning period is the most challenging time for piglets. The success during nursery is detrimental to the success in the followi...
The use of feed additives based on natural ingredients, such as essential oils, is gaining popularity in livestock production. Plant-based phytogenic...
According to analysis of more than 8000 finished poultry feed samples collected in the past 5 years, 97% tested positive for mycotoxins. It's importan...
Several of the main gut diseases in pigs are caused by Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria such as E.coli, Lawsonia, Brachyspira and Salmonella. Contami...
Az állatgyógyászatban régóta igen nagy mennyiségben használnak antibiotikumokat, amiket korábban még hozamfokozóként is alkalmaztak. Az Európai Parlam...
In times of consumer demands for more animal welfare, environmental protection with less CO2, methane, phosphorus and nitrogen emissions, feed manufac...
Adverse weather conditions are increasing the levels of multiple mycotoxin contamination in poultry feed raw materials. Combinations of various mycoto...
A cow's liver is a highly active organ. Although it makes up only 1%-2% of total body mass in lactating cows, it uses 25% of the cow's total energy ex...
How frequently fumonisins and other mycotoxins contaminate feed materials?
To prevent mortality, dysbiosis and wet litter from an early stage, birds need the right balance of intestinal microbiota bacteria. This start at the...
During the July 22 live session, there were lots of questions and many participants from all parts of the agribusiness system, highlighting the import...
"The only way to reduce antibiotics in our systems is to reduce factors that are suppressing pigs' immune systems - of which stress response is a main...
Leading animal nutrition firm BIOMIN has recently announced its involvement in a 5-year, €6 million EU-backed research consortium effort to decrease t...
A nyers tejnek számos eljáráson kell átesnie, mire vajként az asztalunkra kerülhet.
2021 júniusa óta most van a legmagasabb szinten a kukorica jegyzése a chicagói árutőzsdén.
Jelentősen drágult a spanyol és marokkói importból származó paradicsom Lengyelországban.
A legfrissebb előrejelzések szerint csütörtökön délnyugaton már akár 15 Celsius-fok is lehet.
Mato Grosso állam kormányzója megvétózta a törvényjavaslatot, amely jelentősen csökkentené a védett területek arányát az államban.