Manitou Group: 2021 annual results
The Board of Directors of Manitou BF, meeting on this day, approved the accounts for 2021.
The Board of Directors of Manitou BF, meeting on this day, approved the accounts for 2021.
In 2019, LEMKEN the specialist for professional arable farming, was able to maintain its sales levels at €380 million, with an export share of 77%. As...
During financial year 2018/2019, the Austrian family-owned company Pöttinger once again achieved a considerable increase in turnover: with an increase...
Royal Agrifirm Group has announced its 2017 results. ‘A net income of 38.4 million euros, 25 million euros of which will be distributed to our members...
In the business year 2017, Vogelsang GmbH & Co. KG increased its sales by 14 percent to 105 m euros, thus continuing its trend of growth.
CLAAS, one of the leading manufacturers of agricultural machinery worldwide, was able to increase its sales slightly in the 2017 financial year to 3.7...
Although conditions in the agricultural machinery sector continued to be difficult, the family-owned Austrian firm of Pöttinger was able to increase s...
In 2016, Royal Agrifirm Group achieved a satisfactory result of € 30.6 million. Agrifirm managed to effectively maintain its position in the Netherlan...
Thanks to innovative products and a balanced product range, the Austrian family-owned company Pöttinger managed to achieve a turnover of EUR 301 milli...
Member Payments increase by 40% from € 14 million to € 20 million.
EUROPHYT is a plant health interception notification and rapid alert system for the EU Member States and Switzerland, managed by the European Commissi...
Sokáig fogják még emlegetni a 2024-es évet a hazai borászok, de nem épp jókedvükben.
A spanyol és a francia baracktermesztők is az ötéves átlag feletti termésre számítanak idén.
Meghódította a német nagybani piacokat és üzletláncokat a magyar és a szerb szilva.
Kétszáz milliárd forint érhető el a mezőgazdasági és élelmiszeripari fejlesztésekhez.
Franciaország fokozza az afrikai sertéspestis miatti megfigyelést a német határon.