2024. szeptember 9. hétfő Ádám

BEWI-MILK AM 11: reduced in crude protein content for intensive calf rearing

Agro Napló
With the introduction of the new product BEWI-MILK AM 11, the feed specialty producer from West Germany, BEWITAL agri GmbH & Co. KG, launches a calf milk replacer with a reduced crude protein content on the market which was specially developed for intensive calf rearing purpose. Based on latest scientific results, this new development shows that during intensive rearing, a crude protein content of 18%, combined with equivalent energy content compared to standard calf milk replacer, leads to comparable growth results as a calf milk replacer containing 22% crude protein. BEWI-MILK AM 11 is with that an optimized product according to latest scientific knowledge and ideally adapted to the nutritional demand of young calves.

Since 2011, the DLG (“Competence Center for Agriculture and Food Industry”, Germany) recommends the application of 160g calf milk replacer per liter water and an amount of 6 liters per calf and day during the first six weeks of life, instead of the former commonly recommended dosage of 125g per liter water. The increase in concentration leads to a higher energy supply for the calf, and with that also to an increased protein intake which is noticeably above the DLG reference.  

During a trial at the testing and education center for agriculture, Haus Riswick (NRW, Germany), the question if growth performance of calves fed with a calf milk replacer with a crude protein content of 18% leads to comparable results as a calf milk replacer with 22% crude protein content was investigated. The trial was set up with about 140 calves fed with different quantities (6 and 10 liters) as well as different crude protein content (18 and 22%) of the calf milk. The results of the trial indicated that the reduced protein content of 18% and a total supply of 1000g of calf milk replacer diluted in water, per calf and day, were adequate to exploit the growth potential of the calves optimally within the first six weeks of life.

The adaptation of the crude protein content to the nutritional demand of the calves by the application of BEWI-MILK AM 11  lead to potential savings between 8 up to 15 € per calf, compared to commercially available calf milk replacer without vegetable protein and under normal market circumstances. Furthermore, the application of BEWI-MILK AM 11 indicated a reduction in nitrogen supply between 10 up to 15 %. This releaves the liver and the environment.  

BEWI-MILK AM 11 was designed on basis of this research results, providing the following characteristics as according to the producer:

  • Calf milk replacer with a reduced protein content and a skimmed milk content of 40 %
  • Protein content solely based on high quality milk ingredients (without vegetable protein )
  • Conceived on the basis of actual research, optimally adapted to the nutritional demand of the calf
  • Optimal supply with protein and energy for exploiting the full genetic performance potential of the calf

BEWITAL-Vitality-System (BVS 2.0) promotes to the immune system

Címlapkép: Getty Images
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AgroNapló  |  2024. szeptember 8. 14:01