AEROSEM PCS DUPLEX SEED – Maize planted in double rows
High cost effectiveness, versatility and convenience – these are the key advantages of the new DUPLEX SEED drilling process, available on Pöttinger AE...
High cost effectiveness, versatility and convenience – these are the key advantages of the new DUPLEX SEED drilling process, available on Pöttinger AE...
The completely new concept of the MULTILINE brings together a compact disc harrow or stubble cultivator with a seed drill. The result is cost-effectiv...
The new cost-effective PÖTTINGER TOP 652 side rake with a working width of 6.40 m delivers its full performance with a horsepower requirement of just...
The latest generation of mower combinations made by Pöttinger, the NOVACAT A10 series, has a new addition: the NOVACAT A10 COLLECTOR. Developed for th...
An independent expert committee appointed by the DLG (German Agricultural Society) reviewed approximately 320 applications and has awarded four Pöttin...
Economical and convenient for tractors between 140 and 240 horsepower.
Although conditions in the agricultural machinery sector continued to be difficult, the family-owned Austrian firm of Pöttinger was able to increase s...
The NOVACAT A10 mower combination from Pöttinger is joined by a younger brother: the NOVACAT A9. Together with a front mower, it covers a working widt...
The rapid availability of spare parts is a central success factor for farmers and contractors and for PÖTTINGER it is therefore the basis for the best...
Heavy rain and high volumes of water can frequently lead to environmental and socio-political issues: from nitrate leaching and pesticides entering su...
Várjuk Önöket az I. NAK Szántóföldi Napokon, idén ez lesz az ország legnagyobb szántóföldi rendezvénye. A részvétel és a parkolás ingyenes! További ré...
As the world leader with almost 60 models of loader wagon, Pöttinger not only responds to individual customer requirements but also continues to devel...
Pöttinger extends the new TORRO COMBILINE series with the TORRO 5510 COMBILINE – a professional model with compact dimensions for narrow field entranc...
CASE IH termékekkel kapcsolatban továbbra is partnereink szolgálatában.
High cost effectiveness, versatility and convenience – these are the key advantages of the new DUPLEX SEED drilling process, available on Pöttinger AE...
Cost-effective, extremely versatile and convenient this is the new WAVE DISC leading cultivation tool system for seedbed preparation. In dry regions o...
Sokáig fogják még emlegetni a 2024-es évet a hazai borászok, de nem épp jókedvükben.
A spanyol és a francia baracktermesztők is az ötéves átlag feletti termésre számítanak idén.
Meghódította a német nagybani piacokat és üzletláncokat a magyar és a szerb szilva.
Kétszáz milliárd forint érhető el a mezőgazdasági és élelmiszeripari fejlesztésekhez.
Franciaország fokozza az afrikai sertéspestis miatti megfigyelést a német határon.