Pöttinger leads in idea management
Idea management has been a part of the company organisation at Pöttinger – the agricultural machinery manufacturer – for many years. The pioneering Au...
Idea management has been a part of the company organisation at Pöttinger – the agricultural machinery manufacturer – for many years. The pioneering Au...
On 30 April 2020, the ground-breaking ceremony took place for a new plant in St. Georgen, just 5 km away from the company's headquarters in Grieskirch...
Pöttinger, the grassland specialist, revolutionised the front mounted technology with ALPHA MOTION. The ALPHA MOTION technology on the NOVACAT and EUR...
Incorporating cover crops in spring, stubble cultivation in summer and seedbed preparation in autumn, the Pöttinger TERRADISC compact disc harrow is s...
Pöttinger's new CCI 1200 ISOBUS terminal makes sure you have everything under control, even after a long day in the field. The terminal enables profes...
With the NOVACAT CROSS FLOW, agricultural machinery manufacturer Pöttinger has created a revolution. With the cross conveyor auger it is now possible...
As the grassland specialist, Pöttinger always has its focus on harvesting the best forage. The requirements of the market and the users are constantly...
The engineers at Pöttinger have delivered a key innovation: with the new, optional glide bar replacing the jockey wheel on the TOP 842 C rotary rake,...
With the new NOVACAT ALPHA MOTION PRO models, the enjoyment of mowing takes on a new dimension: The revolutionary front mower technology was awarded a...
The agricultural machinery manufacturer Pöttinger has been working continually on loader wagon developments since 1963. And with great success, seeing...
The Pöttinger TEGOSEM cover crop sowing unit used in combination with a LION power harrow or FOX compact combination harrow enables seedbed preparatio...
The Pöttinger TERRASEM mulch seed drills take the lead with the next technical development in direct fertilisation. This new system is available for a...
Pöttinger - the grassland specialist - delivers innovative innovations to mowers for the best forage in the 2020 season.
During financial year 2018/2019, the Austrian family-owned company Pöttinger once again achieved a considerable increase in turnover: with an increase...
Pöttinger has redesigned its proven rear-mounted mowers with side pivot mounting: because they are so smooth running, NOVADISC mowers stand for high c...
The TERRASEM universal seed drills can be economically incorporated into any operating sequence, regardless of whether they are deployed for mulch dri...
On 05 July 2019, Pöttinger's supervisory board gave the green light for the start of construction of the new assembly plant in St. Georgen near Griesk...
When precipitation is low, consistent and precise stubble cultivation is required. Farmers are recommended to carry out stubble cultivation right afte...
The perfect coulter system of the Pöttinger AEROSEM seed drill guarantees maximum operational reliability and thus the optimum requirement for success...
When harvesting grass silage, every farm manager wants to obtain the highest possible forage quality to increase profits. Agricultural machinery manuf...
Sokáig fogják még emlegetni a 2024-es évet a hazai borászok, de nem épp jókedvükben.
A spanyol és a francia baracktermesztők is az ötéves átlag feletti termésre számítanak idén.
Meghódította a német nagybani piacokat és üzletláncokat a magyar és a szerb szilva.
Kétszáz milliárd forint érhető el a mezőgazdasági és élelmiszeripari fejlesztésekhez.
Franciaország fokozza az afrikai sertéspestis miatti megfigyelést a német határon.