New controls for Pöttinger machines
Intuitive operation of machines is becoming increasingly important for farm businesses. That is why Pöttinger has introduced new controls that enhance...
Intuitive operation of machines is becoming increasingly important for farm businesses. That is why Pöttinger has introduced new controls that enhance...
Pöttinger, the grassland specialist, revolutionised the front mounted technology with ALPHA MOTION. The ALPHA MOTION technology on the NOVACAT and EUR...
With the NOVACAT CROSS FLOW, agricultural machinery manufacturer Pöttinger has created a revolution. With the cross conveyor auger it is now possible...
High quality base forage forms the cornerstone for healthy livestock and decent profit in your business. Using the right harvesting machinery is one o...
With the new NOVACAT RCB roller conditioner, Pöttinger continue to live up to their reputation as mower specialists. More economical, reliable and eas...
The latest development from Pöttinger enables swaths to be merged for the first time without a conditioner: thanks to the new cross flow auger the swa...
Pöttinger sets new standards in mower technology in terms of performance and efficiency with the new 'fuel saver' NOVACAT S10. With a working width of...
Innovations make life easier for our customers. With this in mind, Pöttinger continues to develop new products. Cost-effectiveness, soil and crop prot...
Innovations make life easier for our customers. With this in mind, Pöttinger continues to develop new products. Cost-effectiveness, soil and crop prot...
Pöttinger has rounded off its range of NOVACAT rear mowers: in addition to the NOVACAT 402, 442 and 352, there are now new generation NOVACAT 262 and...
Alapvetően száraz, napos idő vár Magyarországra hétvégén, fátyol- és gomolyfelhőkkel súlyosbítva.
Idén is lehetőség lesz az Egységes Kérelem és az eGN parcella adatainak szinkronizálására.
Az aszály miatt az előzetes becslésnél jóval alacsonyabb lesz az idei kukoricatermés.
Magyar gazdák szabálytalanságait is bemutatja az Európai Számvevőszék uniós források felhasználásáról szóló 2023. évi jelentése.
Éder Tamás szerint az a meglepetés, hogy ilyen központi terhek mellett az élelmiszerek és a nem alkoholos italok árszintje csak 2023-ban érte el az EU-s átlagot.