Fertilisers: Tackle dependence and ensure transition to sustainable and organic
The Commission and EU countries should support the transition to organic fertilisers and become less dependent on Russian fertilisers, say MEPs on the...
The Commission and EU countries should support the transition to organic fertilisers and become less dependent on Russian fertilisers, say MEPs on the...
European Parliament President Roberta Metsola, Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala, for the Council of the European Union, and Commission President Ursula...
Commenting on the decision in the EU Parliament on a reform of CO2 fleet limits, which is likely to lead to a de facto phase-out of internal combustio...
The European Parliament and Commission are today releasing a joint Special Eurobarometer on the Future of Europe.
On Tuesday, Parliament gave the green light to the new EU Farm Policy. This reformed version aims to be greener, fairer, more flexible and transparent...
Binding reduction targets for pesticide use needed Animal welfare standards to be reviewed More land for organic farming Farmers mu...
The provisional political agreement reached today by the European Parliament and Council on the new Common Agricultural Policy introduces a fairer, gr...
On Thursday, MEPs debated a citizens' initiative to ban the use of cages for farm animals, together with organisers of the initiative, Commissioners a...
Parliament and Council reached a provisional deal on Tuesday on an EU recovery package for farmers, food producers and rural areas that should boost t...
This afternoon, Executive Vice-President Timmermans and Commissioner Wojciechowski will represent the Commission at the first trilogue on the Common A...
The German presidency of the Council and the European Parliament's negotiators today reached a provisional agreement on a new general regime of condit...
During the last week, the European Parliament adopted its position on the post-2020 EU farm policy reform on Friday, after the Council first agreed on...
The EU should promote forest management models that seek to ensure forests are environmentally, societally and economically sustainable, MEPs said on...
Member states' EU ambassadors today agreed the Council's position on a regulation on a general regime of conditionality for the protection of the Unio...
Considering the health crisis and consequent delays to finding a timely agreement on the new long-term EU budget, Budget MEPs reiterate their call for...
The European Commission welcomes today's decision by the European Parliament to approve the EU-Vietnam trade and investment agreements. The EU-Vietnam...
The EU is taking new measures to reduce the risk of shortages of water for irrigating crops. The EU ambassadors of the member states today endorsed th...
EU should commit to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 at the UN Conference, says Parliament.
Back a unified EU response to new US tariffs Mobilise all existing tools and market instruments to help EU farmers Support campaigns promoti...
On 27 November 2019, the European Parliament approved the von der Leyen Commission in Strasbourg. The new College will have eight Vice-Presidents, inc...
Sokan gondolják úgy, hogy télen nincs sok élet a kertben, pedig régebben voltak módszerek, melyekhez télen is kellett a kertben tevékenykedni.
Az agrár-környezetgazdálkodásban részt vevő földeknél is több módon lehet feltölteni a talajok szervesanyag-tartalmát.
Újra növekedési pályán az európai bio piac, Magyarország a globális mezőny első negyedébe került.
Megkezdődött a KAP ST „Erdőtelepítés és fásítás támogatása” pályázati felhívás társadalmi egyeztetése.
A korábbi támogatások mellett új konstrukciók segítik a hazai kertészeti ágazatokat 2025-ben.