Denis Piccolo from BKT is now Chairman of the E.T.R.T.O. agriculture sub-committee
The BKT Product Manager will play a key role in coordinating the group's activities related to agricultural tires inside the European Tyre and Rim Tec...
The BKT Product Manager will play a key role in coordinating the group's activities related to agricultural tires inside the European Tyre and Rim Tec...
BKT is taking this innovative technology to the next level, a formidable ally against compacting agricultural soil.
Speaking to BKT Digital TV is Alan Eskow, Sales and Marketing Vice President at BKT Tires Canada.
BKT reports the first-hand experience of Matthew Hawthorne, Farm Manager at Euston Farm, in England, who for his fleet chose the BKT tires AGRIMAX V-F...
There is a new OTR tire in the EARTHMAX range. Ideal to equip dump trucks, loaders and dozers, it guarantees resistance to damaging attacks and excell...
A new inspiring talk on BKT digital TV. Recounting his passions today is a man of science who has made relaxing art his daily spark of inspiration. It...
BKT reports the first-hand experience of Angelo Caligari from the farming company Crocetta, who has chosen AGRIMAX FORCE tires for his tractor: “The a...
BKT Field Engineer for over a decade, Piero tells us about himself on the digital TV, BKT Network. “In my training sessions I want to make people unde...
The laboratory at the Bhuj plant is recognized for its work on tire testing and calibration.
In a new episode of the “Inspiring Talks” series which can be seen on BKT digital TV, we get to meet the Vice President of the American operations.
Featuring VF technology, this Flotation tire, dedicated to agricultural trailers, helps make work in the field more sustainable.
The new website is dedicated to BKT Carbon, the company in the BKT Group which makes and sells carbon black worldwide. On the new platform a journey t...
Not only having fun and providing entertainment, but also supporting and sharing: here are all the initiatives promoted by BKT in stadiums during the...
In cooperation with one of its Canadian distribution partner, OK Tire, BKT renews its sponsorship for all competitions organized by Curling Canada. Th...
A new sporting product for ATVs is coming, with a wide footprint area and optimized traction to win on every terrain.
Caterpillar has awarded BKT's Bhuj plant SQEP (Supplier Quality Excellence Process) Gold certification, an important acknowledgement reserved for supp...
Family, work and sport: these and numerous other issues discussed by the Joint Managing Director of BKT during the third episode of the “Inspiring Tal...
Idén először teljesen az online térbe költözött az Év Traktora díjak átadása. A december 18-i eseményen a Massey Ferguson, a Valtra, a Fendt, és a CLA...
On December 18th took place the Awarding Ceremony of Tractor of the Year 2021. The digital event was in live streaming on; tractorofth...
The innovative BKT tire, created to improve the performance of high-powered tractors, will soon be available in 22 different sizes. All the new sizes...
Bánkon új, térségi eleveniszapos biológiai szennyvíztisztító telep létesül, és bővül a szennyvízcsatorna-hálózat.
Délelőtt még tartani lehetett attól, hogy az erősödő szél újra fellobbantja a tüzet, ám mostanra elhárult a veszély.
A magyarországi borszakma képes lesz sikerre vinni a hazai gyártású pezsgők ügyét.
Szombat hajnalban a hatodik egymást követő napon is megdőlt a melegrekord Budapesten.
Esővel, széllel és lehűléssel érkezik az őszies idő a szeptember második hetében.