BKT is title sponsor of the United Rugby Championship
From today the league's name becomes ‘BKT United Rugby Championship'. The agreement is valid until 2025 and in the northern hemisphere of the world. T...
From today the league's name becomes ‘BKT United Rugby Championship'. The agreement is valid until 2025 and in the northern hemisphere of the world. T...
Hybrid crops, excessively short cutting and bad soil maintenance can cause punctures and tears. For this problem, which is increasingly felt by farmer...
The right tire choice can help the operators optimize their work: whether on the field's edge, between the close-packed rows of a vineyard or in a mou...
The agricultural sector is very complex, involving supply chains all over the world and touches on numerous themes. How to best communicate and share...
The latest novelty by BKT is a cutting-edge agro-industrial product for trailers in construction and farming transport applications.
Be it orchards, vineyards, corn or beetroot fields – each kind of crop requires specific operations. Both equipment and tires are decisive factors for...
BKT addresses the theme of Organic Farming in its seventh episode of Global Trends. An ancient practice returning to center stage since consumers beco...
Contact point and first support of the equipment. Tires are of fundamental importance for any vehicle. Taking care of them by means of an attentive an...
For the coming three years, the Indian Group renews the agreement as Official Global Partner of the high-profile football championship enjoying popula...
Industrial logistical operations create numerous challenges for machinery operating in this environment and especially for the tires that equip them.
In view of Earth Day, BKT dedicates the sixth episode of Global Trends to the theme of the climate emergency and how agriculture is responding to this...
A seemingly simple question: how much does a tire weigh? BKT's experience reveals how much the weight of a product is directly related to performance.
Increased strength, extended life cycle, high productivity, fuel economy: thanks to their structure, radial tires are generally an ideal choice for ag...
The Indian multinational has studied and designed highly specialized tire ranges for compactors engaged in different environments and applications. A...
On World Water Day, BKT dedicates the fifth episode of Global Trends to the use of this important resource in agriculture. The goal: to explore togeth...
Starting today, BKT's model production site in Bhuj significantly expands its capacity of agricultural radial tires, to meet the increasing demand wor...
Using silent tires can make a real difference for farmers. Thanks to the study of the tread design, AGRIMAX V-FLECTO and RIDEMAX IT 697 (M+S) are opti...
The PORTMAX range offers tires suitable for the various machines operating in port hubs, guaranteeing resistance, traction and complete safety.
BKT dedicates the fourth episode of Global Trends to the theme of Women in Agriculture and to the gender gap, which often penalizes female workers in...
During the winter machinery can stand still for several months and tires, too. What operations can protect the tires to make them ready for the restar...
Bánkon új, térségi eleveniszapos biológiai szennyvíztisztító telep létesül, és bővül a szennyvízcsatorna-hálózat.
Délelőtt még tartani lehetett attól, hogy az erősödő szél újra fellobbantja a tüzet, ám mostanra elhárult a veszély.
A magyarországi borszakma képes lesz sikerre vinni a hazai gyártású pezsgők ügyét.
Szombat hajnalban a hatodik egymást követő napon is megdőlt a melegrekord Budapesten.
Esővel, széllel és lehűléssel érkezik az őszies idő a szeptember második hetében.