€686 million to be reimbursed to European farmers
The European Commission adopted on 26 November 2021 a regulation allowing Member States to reimburse €686 million to European farmers.
The European Commission adopted on 26 November 2021 a regulation allowing Member States to reimburse €686 million to European farmers.
The EU is adopting new rules for placing fertilising products on the EU market.
On 12 December 2018 EU ambassadors endorsed a deal with the European Parliament on new rules for placing fertilising products on the EU market.
On 22 May the Council adopted new EU rules on organic production and the labelling of organic products.
Two new European regulations will help monitor the movement of wine products, certify their origin and characteristics and ensure the necessary checks...
On 29 January 2018 the Council decided on a temporary change to the operation of the public intervention mechanism for skimmed milk powder.
The new Regulation on Novel Food is applicable from 1 January 2018.
EU ambassadors agreed on a mandate on a draft regulation to improve the existing rules on the circulation of fertilising products in the internal mark...
Q&A on the new Official Controls Regulation
In two years, January 2019 will mark the latest development in off-road exhaust emission regulations when the European Stage V standard is introduced...
The European Commission has taken important steps today to strengthen the regulation of commodities markets and curb price speculation. It also ensure...
New rules to curb the growing influx into the EU of plant pests, such as olive grove killer Xylella fastidiosa, and better equip member states to tack...
The 7 different regulations implementing the € 500 million aid package* for the dairy and other livestock sectors announced by Commissioner Phil Hogan...
The association of farmers and agricultural cooperative enterprises, COPA-COGECA, has intervened with the European Commission to affirm the impossibil...
A Valentin-napi havazás a Mecsekbe hozta a legtöbb havat Magyarországon, több, mint 5 centit.
A vadvédelmi bírság tízezertől akár kétszázezer forintig terjedhet Magyarországon.
Trendforduló van folyamatban, már másképp gondol az alkoholmentes italokra a Z generáció.
A magashegység jelképének számító állatok száma stabil, és enyhe gyarapodást mutat.
Visszatérő trendek: új piacokat nyit az elfelejtett gabonafajták és fermentált ételek reneszánsza.