2023. május 2. 12:57
Many parts of Europe experienced substantial rainfall during the review period of the latest JRC MARS Bulletin - Crop monitoring in Europe, while drou...
2023. március 20. 22:47
According to the March 2023 issue of the JRC MARS Bulletin, Crop monitoring in Europe, winter crops are entering spring in fair to good condition in m...
2022. szeptember 26. 10:56
Yield forecasts for summer crops are further reduced. The summer drought that kept its grip on Europe has ended in most regions.
2022. augusztus 31. 16:03
The drought situation in many regions of Europe remains severe, according to the Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) latest ‘Drought in Europe -...
2020. szeptember 22. 14:50
The September issue of the JRC MARS Bulletin - Crop monitoring in Europe - was published today, alongside two editions of the JRC MARS Bulletin global...
2019. augusztus 29. 14:11
Member States agree on support measures proposed by the Commission.
2018. október 8. 11:15
This summer's drought has led to a significant drop of total EU cereal production, estimated at 8% below the last five-year average. This is just one...
2018. szeptember 21. 10:53
The European Commission adopted today the derogations on certain greening rules, which were proposed earlier this summer. This additional flexibility...
2018. szeptember 3. 11:17
In light of the difficulties faced by European farmers affected by drought this summer, the European Commission continues acting to provide practical...
2018. január 21. 13:17
Az elmúlt évben 2,75 millió traktort állítottak elő világszerte, 19%-kal többet mint 2013-ban. A teljes növekedést Ázsia, ezen belül is Kína és India...
2017. október 6. 09:29
Adverse climatic conditions in 2017, including heavy hailstorms and hard frosts in the spring as well as drought in the summer, caused considerable da...
2017. szeptember 8. 00:00
The European Commission has agreed to allow national governments to make advance payments to farmers in order to help those affected by the difficult...
2016. december 13. 00:00
Cégünk, a K-Traktor Hungary Kft. 2016-ban kapta meg a dél-koreai KIOTI traktorok magyarországi, kizárólagos forgalmazási jogát.