2024. október 23. szerda Gyöngyi

Grain and feed sector will meet under one roof with cooperation of the Netherlands and Turkey

Agro Napló
Parantez Fair, the organizer of IDMA which has become one of the international brands of Turkey, and Victam International of the Netherlands will join their forces and hold IDMA AND VICTAM EMEA exhibition in 2021 in Istanbul.

Turkey-based Parantez International Fair, known for the successful international grain and feed milling exhibitions it has organized, and Netherlands-based Victam International B.V. joined forces for IDMA - International Flour, Feed, Semolina, Rice, Corn, Bulgur Milling Machines and Pulses, Pasta, Biscuit Technologies Exhibition held in Istanbul every two years.

IDMA Exhibition which will be held in Istanbul for the 9th time on 11-13 March 2021 will be organized under the name IDMA AND VICTAM EMEA in the forthcoming process with the expertise of the two giant companies.



The two companies which set out with the motto "International event of the grain and feed milling industry" aim to create a significant added value with this cooperation by bringing together all the components of the grain, feed and pulses sectors on a stronger and more extensive platform under the roof of IDMA AND VICTAM EMEA. Parantez & Victam cooperation will provide both exhibitors and visitors with great convenience and significant advantages in marketing, sales, and operational activities. It will also contribute to the faster growth of companies in international markets.


Victam International, which organizes the biggest events of the animal feed processing sector in various locations of the world, will strengthen its presence in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa with this cooperation.

Mr. Sebas Van den Ende, General Manager of VICTAM International BV, points out that both parties signing the agreement are aiming to have the strongest and largest event in the region. Mr. Van den Ende continues his speech as follows: “This cooperation provides an entry into the region for Victam and a strategic path for IDMA to respond to growing competition. This cooperation, which adopts a win-win strategy, may create a synergy in sales, marketing, and operations and may be a proactive answer for companies wishing to enter the region. The cooperation aims is to have a long-term cooperation for the benefit of both parties.”


Parantez International Fair, the organizer of IDMA Exhibition which is notable for its international success, aims to develop a new synergy with the new partnership focusing on growth in the sector. Mrs. Zübeyde Kavraz, Chairwoman of the company, emphasizes that this cooperation will open up new horizons for both the industry and IDMA.

Pointing out to the significance of partnership for strengthening the sector, Mrs. Kavraz said the following: “We live in a period where food safety and sustainable production are at the forefront. Therefore, the development and strengthening of cereal, feed and pulses sectors of which Parantez and Victam are a part of, are extremely important in terms of ensuring food safety and sustainable production in the world. Because cereal and pulse-based foods and animal products continue to constitute the most basic food sources of human beings. More than 600 million tons of wheat and corn are milled annually, and the flour obtained from them is consumed as for noodles, bread, pasta, etc.

The volume of global grain processing technologies was $ 4.2 billion in 2018. According to recent market researches, the sector will reach $ 6 billion by 2025.

Thanks to this cooperation, in Istanbul we will exhibit the technologies of the compound feed and grain markets, of which annual trade volumes are $ 500 billion and $165 billion respectively according to the International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF).

In addition, the world is going through a tough economic period. Companies are placing special emphasis on using the budgets they allocate for promotion and marketing activities on much more efficient platforms and for a good reason. And we have decided to bring our expertise and strength together in order to contribute to our sector in this regard. This cooperation will prevent our participants and visitors from being divided into smaller events organized at different points and provide them with an opportunity to come together on a more efficient platform. This means a great deal of convenience and savings for companies in terms of operational activities and a much stronger and extensive marketing network.

Demand for flour and bakery products is expected to increase in the forthcoming period, especially in regions with higher population growth rates. At this point, the most important regions are; Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and North Africa along with Southeast Asia. Because Turkey is one of the main centers of grain processing technologies industry and it is close to Middle Eastern and African countries where flour demand is expected to grow, so this provides Istanbul strategical advantage in terms of milling exhibition.

IDMA exhibition has received the support of national milling associations of 40 countries. Besides, Turkish-Netherlands Friendship Association gives strong support in the formation of this cooperation.

Címlapkép: Getty Images
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