Commission adopts measure to increase cash flow of farmers

Agro Napló2021. szeptember 2. 09:58

Member States will be allowed to provide higher advances of CAP payments from mid-October.

The European Commission adopted a measure allowing farmers to receive higher advances of common agricultural policy (CAP) payments. This measure will support and increase the cash flow of farmers affected by the Covid-19 crisis and by the impact of adverse weather conditions across the EU. Some regions have been deeply affected by floods for instance.

The measure will allow Member States to pay income support and certain rural development schemes to farmers with a higher level of advances: up to 70% (from 50%) of direct payments and 85% (from 75%) of rural development payments. The safeguards to protect the EU budget apply, so the payments can be disbursed, once controls and checks have been finalised and as from 16 October 2021.

covid-19, cap, european commission, european union, cap payments, cash flow,