Improved yield outlook for EU winter crops

Agro Napló2021. június 24. 23:02

The June issue of the JRC MARS Bulletin - Crop monitoring in Europe - was published today, alongside the June edition of the Bulletins on North Africa and Ukraine, in the JRC MARS Bulletin global outlook series.

Yield forecasts for winter crops in EU revised further upwards

At EU level, the yield forecasts for all winter crops and spring barley were revised upwards. The yield outlook for soft wheat, barley, rye and rapeseed is now firmly above the 5-year average. Expectations for summer crops are mixed, and bear a larger margin of uncertainty as it is still early in the season.

Warmer temperatures and adequate moisture supply favourable for crops

In large parts of Europe, distinctly cooler-than-usual temperatures, as reported in the May bulletin, gradually gave way to average or above-average values. The warmer temperatures, combined with adequate moisture supply, accelerated biomass accumulation and phenological development of winter crops and spring cereals, thus improving the yield outlook. So far, summer crops benefited much less from these improvements.

Continued cooler-than-usual temperatures in central Europe prolonged the delay in winter crops, but helped to avoid water stress during a period of scarce precipitation.

Rain deficits in central Italy and Portugal had limited negative impacts on the winter crops in advanced stages of development, whereas rainfall surpluses in south-western Spain and the southern Black Sea region had predominantly beneficial effects on crops.

Overly wet conditions in the Baltic region led to increased pressure from pests and diseases and hampered field activities. Furthermore, in northern Germany/southern Denmark, reduced radiation around the flowering stage of winter cereals decreased yield potential.


Full article available via the link below.

european union, rye, wheat, barley, crop monitoring, jrc mars bulletin, yield outlook, winter crops, rapeseed,