Heroic viticulture. Unione Italiana Vini launches Enovitis Extrême

Agro Napló

“Mountain viticulture, also called Heroic Viticulture, as it is practised in "extreme" areas, represents a productive wealth characterised by a large number of terroirs and different wines having a strong identity. Moreover, it also makes up an economic and social value, which is relevant for the human communities living in those areas. It is a demanding vine-growing, even from a technological point of view, as it is practised in a difficult environment, where dedicated equipment and machinery are needed. These types of machines and equipment had never had their own showcase before, a venue where they can be promoted and presented to the wine-making world. Considering these aspects, thanks to the partnership started with CERVIM and VIVA, we are launching Enovitis Extrême, a specific event focused on Mountain Viticulture, which, as Unione Italiana Vini, we have planned for many years to create. Enovitis Extrême has a value that goes beyond the important aspect of promoting and facilitating the matching between the industry's product supply and Mountain Viticulture: it is intended as a place where a cultural message can be sent to politicians and institutions concerning the necessity of safeguarding, protecting and enhancing this segment of vine-growing. It is a viticulture that makes up an extraordinary wealth for our country, combining productive quality with wines of strong identity, enhancement of areas and protection of local communities”.

With these words, Ernesto Abbona, President of Unione Italina Vini, presents the first edition of Enovitis Extrême that will take place at the Farm Grosjean Vini of Quart (Aosta) on 19 July 2018. The event, dedicated to the technologies for heroic cultivation of vineyards at high altitude, is organised by Unione Italiana Vini in cooperation with CERVIM Institute (Centre for Research in Mountain Viticulture) and with the support of VIVAL (Vine Growers' Association of Valle d'Aosta) and it is sponsored by the Region Valle d'Aosta.

 “We were pleased to accept the collaboration request of Unione Italiana Vini regarding the initiative Enovitis Extrême – states Alessandro Nogara, Regional Councillor for Agriculture and Natural Resources – which aims at enhancing the practice of heroic viticulture and has a really important, cultural and social, as well as economic value for the communities and for all vine growers in our region”.

It is an event that is intended to meet the requirements of the companies belonging to the 'heroic' sector, by showing them the most advanced technologies and different solutions to facilitate this very demanding cultivation type.

“In an extreme environment – explains Roberto Gaudio, President of CERVIM – such as that of the mountains, one of the main problems for the enterprises is represented by the costs for the vineyard management. There, these costs are particularly high compared with ‘conventional' wine-making areas. Finding new technological and innovative solutions contributes to facilitating the work of heroic vine growers and reducing a part of these costs. The cooperation between CERVIM, Unione Italiana Vini and the Vine Growers' Association of Valle d'Aosta is going forward as we hoped: building a cooperation network and raising the attention to this kind of viticulture, together with the world of research, innovation and the companies offering applied mechanics”.

Maintaining the approach of Enovitis in Campo, Enovitis Extrême will be a dynamic, touring event, with field tests and demonstrations with equipment and machines specific for the 'heroic' sector.

"In Valle d'Aosta - points out Stefano Celi, President of VIVAL – heroic viticulture has always found its highest expression. Here, vineyard cultivation has particular needs for its mechanization, even if it is minimal, and thus we are honoured to host the first edition of Enovitis Extrême in our region and in addition we are pleased to finally see the launch of an event dedicated to this specific type of viticulture”.

Unione Italiana Vini wishes to give credit and visibility to the companies of the heroic sector that are investing considerable resources to contribute to the development of such a peculiar wine-making field: this will be carried out by enhancing their activities and highlighting projects of recognised innovative content in this area.

“It is a real honour – comments Hervé Grosjean, partner of the historical Farm Grosjean – and a privilege for our company to host the first edition of a worldwide event, such as Enovitis Extrême, in our vineyard ‘Rovettaz'. In order to promote the viticulture of Valle d'Aosta and this wonderful region, also from a gastronomic point of view, this event will be an excellent "business card" and an opportunity to be exploited in the best way. Therefore, I thank VIVAL and its President Stefano Celi for making it possible for us to participate”.

Címlapkép: Getty Images
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